Near Indianapolis, IN – “Wet Blankets” – July 22, 2002
I’m starting to feel depressed. Brian, the sound guy (ya know, the one we picked up while Delucchi is finishing up a tour) is busy talking about “Leftover Salmon,” (the band, not the fish). He’s saying how great it is to be in a tour bus with 12 bunk beds and a kitchen and a restroom and how much money they make on merch, gigs, and fly dates. While I’m climbing into the back seat of the van (to let him have the comfier middle seat I might add) I overhear him saying to the rest of the band, “I’d never take a van gig longer than a couple weeks. It’s God Damn depressing.” And what I’d like to say is, Yeah, try adding an ungrateful wet blanket to the mix and see just how much more somber it can get.
Now, back on the highway, I feel the depression seeping in as I stare out the window, considering comeback lines I could’ve countered with. Because frankly, if you’re not looking for silver linings, it is depressing to be on the road — in a van packed with empty wrappers and five-hour drives between gigs and the slender wad in my back pocket that accounts for the $175 we got to play last night (which doesn’t even cover one hotel room). It’s depressing to think that the guys in my band are salivating over Brian’s description of Leftover Salmon’s cushy bus. It’s depressing to be away from my new fiancé when all I want is the comfort of his arms and I start to think how much nicer they would feel than 12 bunk beds and a toilet. It’s depressing that we’re only two gigs into our tour and last night, on stage, was sloppy.
All that makes any of this bearable is the applause and praise and that’s just plastic, smoke, vellum, not real love just a replica… a false idol. OK, I’ve got to stop this pessimism before I fall off the ledge and take the band with me. I might be the only thing that’s keeping us afloat. And after all, it’s not so terrible and it’s only a month of my time and I’m doing this to see if I still want to do this. OK, feeling better.
On to Zains Too.

A band named Left Over Salmon doesn’t sound too appealing….
The chaos and struggle always ignites the creative soul.
Best songs written are from the darkest days of the composers.
Love You Sally !! 🤗💃❤️