Memphis, TN – “Happy Now” – Newby’s – October 5, 2000

Ok, So I’m drinking the skunky bud this tour. The tradition, if you don’t know already, is that whoever makes the biggest blunder during a tour, must drink the skunky Budweiser beer that’s been intentionally sitting in the cooler, heating up and cooling down for the entire trip.
Picture this: I’m on stage, having just strummed the last chord of “Spilt Decisions,” when I suddenly realize I’ve misplaced my capo. “Where’s my capo?” I shout to the guys, pointing to the bald spot next to my mic stand where I swore I’d placed it. The boys help me turn the stage upside down, searching under every rug and wire until Kenny polightly taps me on the shoulder and points to my capo—right there on the neck of my guitar, perfectly primed for the next song.
I was embarrassed, sure, but that wasn’t the end of my mishap. Next, I butchered the opening verse of “Happy Now.” It came out something like this:
There is a house without a phone
and we have locked ourselves in here.
It’s broken shlick anotham en found it
asham aglockafondu afair.My friend it is because of you
toganther frolick meair
to what you and I all blabla bla. Blabla bla bla bla bla bla. HE HE HE!!!”
Had this been the Olympics, I’d have lost the gold for sure. But at Newby’s, my fail earned me
- The audience’s laughter
- A bewildered look from Delucchi behind the soundboard, and, of course,
- One gut-wrenchingly, skunky BUD! (read more about Skunky Buddy here)
Despite my blunders, Newby’s was a blast. It was heartwarming to see familiar faces and share a laugh at my own expense. Tensions have been running high in the band, even minor slights escalating into full-blown feuds—people picking sides, and glares being shot that could kill at close range. A couple of (non-skunky) beers, a venue full of familiar faces, and an excuse to laugh was exactly what we needed to ease the tension.