Crested Butte, CO – “Goodnight Road” – Performing Arts Center – March 31, 1999

It’s nice to be back in the dry fresh Colorado mountain air. We arrived in Crested Butte late Tuesday after a 15-hour drive. I (wo)manned the wheel most of the day, stopping at different super-duper-uber-markets for deli meats and bread so “Chef Brian” could make us all sandwiches on our makeshift Igloo countertop.

At a rest stop in Moab, we stretched our legs and marveled at the vastness between canyon walls. The rich red, rock formations looked Dr. Seuss drawn and contrasted against the vivid blue desert sky. Nisa drove when night fell because, despite the illumination from an almost full moon, I am mostly night blind.
We crashed haphazardly and fully clothed on our friend’s, Ernesto & Dave’s, couches, futons and floors only to be woken up by their dogs at 6 am.
It snowed all day. The white whisper, a welcome guest as Crested Butte’s slopes have been devoid of snow. The excitement around town was palpable. Rad-sters and dude-sters lugged snowboards to work with them. They slung skins and ski poles over their shoulders and packed knee pads alongside their wishful thinking.

The band grabbed coffee and some soggy eggs from a grumpy waitress on the main drag. Rejuvenated, I taught a little yoga class for the boys back at the house, dodging Ernesto’s pups who considered downward dogs an invitation for kissing. I am going to take a little credit here… I introduced my band to yoga at the beginning of this trip and their flexibility is greatly improved. Brian Mcrae can even touch his toes now!

If I’d considered the day cold, the nighttime was bitter. Both instruments and vocal cords took extra warming up to stay in tune. The Crested Butte Performing Art Center is one of my favorite places to play. It’s a 250-seated theater with decadent on-stage carpeting and great acoustics.
The show was celebratory, considering it was our last for a while. Eager to return home, we galloped like restless horses through the performance. Now, finally at home and exhausted, I plan to immerse myself in sleep for a good five days.
Goodnight moon.
Goodnight mic stand.
Goodnight boys in the band.
Goodnight van.
Goodnight road and songs we played.
Goodnight friends made along the way.
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2 Replies to “Crested Butte, CO – “Goodnight Road” – Performing Arts Center – March 31, 1999”
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Being a huge Dr. Suess fan myself…I particularly enjoyed your reference.
” the rich red, rock formations looked Dr. Suess drawn and contrasted against the vivid blue desert sky. ”
Thank you for this imagery Sally : )
Thanks for commenting Blu. I am so glad you liked the reference to the Doc. Utah was made as tribute to his imagination I think.