Boulder, CO – “Rhinestone Roller Skates” – Buffalo Exchange – September 12, 1998
The CD release party was, phewwwwww, a big success. There were over 300 people there and we got an encore. Jeremy and Kenny killed every song. They were so tuned into each other I felt I was actually playing with professionals.

And Dave Rastatter! Oh my God, he was amazing. Thank God he was available to fill in for Brian on the drums last minute. He punctuated every tune with flare AND snare and learned all my songs in less than a week. We sold 79 CDs after the show. The line wrapped around the lobby in zigzags. I shook all customer’s hands, smiled for photos, and signed each and every CD sold.

Zuba’s lead singer, Liza Oxnard, and I got a little acoustic gig the next day singing unplugged, with a pair of guitars strapped to our backs, at Buffalo Exchange (the very parking lot I made my first home when I arrived in Boulder). Inside the second-hand store was every funky garment you could dream of. When I asked if we could wear some of their garb for our sets we were told to “have at it.”
Like kids in a candy store, we picked out rhinestone-covered roller skates for each other, bright orange boating life vests, and fleece-lined earflap hunting caps with rainbow ski goggles. As customers shopped we traded off songs while skateing through isles having a total blast. Liza is really sweet despite her armor-like demeanor. No one could have such soft skin and be bad. I love her. She’s always been one of my musical heroes and it was an honor to play with her in my first (parking lot) home away from home.
After we strummed and sang and turned in our ski goggles and rollerskates, I walked home with a box of CDs I managed not to sell, under my arm. I decided to drop by the post office on my way home. My shipping center is located in a duplex shared with a gun shop. Randomly, a big burly fella was aiming a shotgun at a stuffed buffalo head on the wall when I walked in and nearly scared the CDs out of me.
Rick, the PO attendant who is adorable and wears nothing but plaid flannel, told me “You’ve got a lot of mail! and it’s from all over the place!!” I opened my box “Suite #176 ;)” to reveal 25 individual orders for Tomboy Bride! I was shocked beyond words and got to work straight away. I filled out all the envelopes and put little handwritten notes in each one.

I can’t tell you how fortunate I feel. Who knew you could sell CDs on the World Wide Web?!?!