Portland, OR – “Lost in Space” – The White Eagle – July 9, 1999

We’re in a Wendy’s parking lot in Portland, across from “The Goodnight Inn Hotel,” where none of us slept well. Critters Buggin’ is blaring from the stereo as a tribute to our upcoming drive to Seattle, their hometown. Their album is an air drummer’s delight. Brian and Soucy are grabbing fast food for breakfast, and any second now, they’ll be back to infuse the van with that unmistakable fast food aroma. It’s a stench made of ketchup and beef and bread and butter and sweat. It braids its way into the upholstery and into my hair. Yup, here they come.

Maybe the scent would bother me less if I’d slept better last night. “The Goodnight Inn” had buzzing lights and a sink that dribbled “tap tap tap” against the drain. My room key was attached to a 6-inch iron ball, and a couple fought in the adjacent room while their TV blared.

Chris and I got up early (10 AM) and decided to go for a jog. Working out on the road takes creativity—we bench press beds, jump squat down hallways, and run stairs. I don’t feel safe jogging or rollerblading around unfamiliar neighborhoods by myself, so when one of the guys asks if I want to join them, I jump at the chance. It’s always interesting to see a new neighborhood.

On our run, we passed a cashmere goat farm and a trailer park with a sign that read, “55 years and over ONLY.” Chris, faster than I, ran ahead so that on the way home I was alone. Somewhere between mile three and four I felt someone’s presence and turned to see a kid, maybe fourteen or fifteen, wearing a backward white baseball cap and kicking a stone across the street. When I looked back, he glanced up, and I waved uncomfortably. A rush of fear hit me as I heard footsteps running behind me. I clenched my eyes shut, praying he meant no harm. He slowed down as he caught up.
“Uh…what’s your name? My uh friends want to know,” he stammered.
“Sally,” I replied, surprised.
“My name’s Rex,” he said, turning around and running off. I felt sad that I had to be scared of that sweet young guy.

Back at the hotel, Kenny and I watched “Lost in Space,” the episode with Athena where Dr. Smith has the showdown with the green Viking. I took a shower despite there being no showerhead. Water spit out of a rusting pipe alternating between bitter cold and scalding hot.

It was a relief to play at a familiar joint–and encouraging to watch our audience grow. We’ve come a long way since our first time at The White Eagle. Our band is tighter and we’re looser on stage. Soundchecks are shorter and setlists are longer. We know how to harness enthusiasm and cultivate community from a stage.

In the standing-room-only crowd, we recognized faces from our last time through Portland—an indication people like what we’re doing and are coming back for more. The people in the front sat cross-legged on the floor to accommodate the people in the back. The cozy vibe stood in stark contrast to the alienating, deflating show in Ashland and was a balm for my weary heart. I saw lips singing along with words to my songs and felt connected, comforted and grateful.
Thank you, Portland. Until next time.

Ashland, OR – “Salt in the Wound” – The Ashland Creek Bar & Grill – July 8, 1999

Sometimes, before I get on stage I have to convince myself to rise above it all—all the noise inside my head. I have to play louder than the voices that are trying to drown me so I can hear the cleanness and purity of the music. I have to remind myself that I am stronger than my fears and that those who love me vastly outnumber those who’d rejoice in my demise. Sometimes when I stand in stage lights I want to just quit—to give up…again…and again…and again…and then, I realize…I can’t. I won’t.

And it’s from there, from the quiet, from the strength of silence, I can start the song.

Everyone told us we’d love Ashland. We didn’t. It wasn’t the town’s fault. Ashland, Oregon as a place is quaint and beautiful. It was the venue and the people who worked there that were the problem. We arrived at three, after a long, stomach-sloshing, zig-zagging ride up Northern California’s coastline. No one was more nauseous than I. I’d made the mistake of seeing the drive as an opportunity to write about last night’s gig.

A quaint wooden bridge arched over a feisty creek at the mouth of The Ashland Creek Bar & Grill. Except for some folks having a bite to eat out on a distant porch, the bartender, a red-haired, 40-something was the only soul in the venue. Chris approached and asked politely if the sound engineer had arrived for our gig yet.

“No sound man tonight,” The barkeep dried a beer stine without looking up, “Peter (the owner) didn’t feel like hiring one.” I was caught off guard by this man’s apparent disregard if not disdain for us. His reaction might have suited a vagrant looking for a restroom or a free meal so I looked for sarcasm in his eyes. I found none. The following is the dialogue that ensued:

Delluchi (with the patience of a priest I might add): “Is Peter here?”
Barman: “Uh,… nope.”
Delluchi: “Do you know when he’ll be here?”
Barman: “Uh,… nope.”
Delluchi: “If there’s no sound man, can I get someone to show me what equipment you’ve got on the premises?”
Barman (Still no eye contact): “Uh,… nope.”

We had no choice but to investigate the stage situation ourselves. It was empty save for a rickety mic stand and a roll of black gaffers tape on a bench. There were no mics, no cables, no monitors, and no soundboard. I felt sick to my stomach and excused myself to use the restroom. When I turned, I caught sight of one of our posters. Under my picture, Ashland Creek Bar & Grill had promoted “The daughter of James Taylor and Carly Simon.” Which, proactively, I’d asked them to avoid.

As I’ve mentioned before, this sort of billing:
A. Attracts an audience who wants to see my parents but will settle for a night of comparing me to them.
B. Gives people an invitation to ask inappropriate questions like— “I don’t think your mother was wearing a bra on that Anticipation cover. Am I right?” “Who’s You’re So Vain about?” and “I want to write your father a note. Can you get it to him for me?” For all of these, I have rote responses. I can’t, of course, simply go around admonishing people, that would be ridiculous and frankly, it might make my parents look bad. So I simply say: “You’re so Vain is about me of course” and “If you write my dad a note I can’t promise it won’t unintentionally get used to make a set list.” and “Hu, whatdayouknow, my mom IS totally braless on Anticipation, I never noticed before.”
C. Makes me feel embarrassed that I’ve got famous parents and yet am playing in shite venues like The Ashland Creek Bar & Grill.

But, I remind myself, this is my choice. I could’ve jumped on my parent’s coattails and ridden them to a record deal but I wanted to do it on my own—To forgo nepotism, and try to suck privately on my way to getting good enough to be worthy of theaters and headlining gigs.

Still slightly woozy from our car adventure, we stumbled back across the bridge to a sunny patch of grass for a band meeting about what to do. We could either leave, something our contract supported if we weren’t provided with a sound system. Or, we could suck it up and play acoustically. Playing the show was a deflating prospect but we also realized that to leave, would be to take our anger out on the crowd who were planning on coming out to see us and it wasn’t their fault the people who owned the bar were idiots. After much discussion and ventilation, we decided to ignore the stupidity that we’d encountered thus far and do the gig.

While the band set up for an acoustic show, I walked up Main Street to find a mailbox to send an overdue letter to my mama. Inside a post office, another poster hung and a woman getting her mail asked if the picture was of me. Half-heartedly I responded, it was. She looked at it for another minute while waiting for me to finish buying stamps before asking, “I don’t mean to offend, but, what with your heritage and all, why hasn’t anyone heard of you?”

Back at the venue, the boys were drinking beer at the bar and absentmindedly watching the Tour De France on ESPN. The endless bike ride was broadcast throughout our endless show. Its presenters had speakers. We did not. Our audience was small but attentive and helped us pull together a decent set. People danced and seemed to enjoy themselves and the knowledge we’d never have to play at The Ashland Creek Bar and Grill again brought enough of a smile to our faces that our grimaces were partially masked.

After the show, we very politely thanked the venue for having us and quietly split town.

Arcata, CA – “Ancestors”- Cafe Tomo – July 7, 1999

“DO NOT FEED THE BEARS,” read a placard on our picnic table—as though we needed to be told. If I’d seen a bear, giving it a little turkey club on rye would be the last thing on my mind. The Red Wood Forest was an emerald marvel to behold. The sunlight, a mosaic on the ground, was broken up by 600-year-old trees branches on its way to Earth.

Standing under a 2,000-year-old redwood is a lesson in humility. I couldn’t help but imagine that maybe my many-times-great-grandfather encountered this tree as a young sapling. Perhaps he was strolling with Jesus, who also walked the earth when this tree first broke through the soil. I pictured my ancestor (80 generations removed) gazing at the tiny tree, pondering what it would look like in 2,000 years, wondering if some distant granddaughter—me—might one day stand beneath its towering branches and wonder back at him. This thought made me feel profoundly connected and exquisitely small.

At our roadside rest stop we set our beefy red cooler on a beefy bench and made beefy sandwiches with flimsy plastic knives from cold cuts we bought at a crunchy co-op this morning. At that crunchy co-op, we’d witnessed (for the first time ever) a real live “dumpster dive.”

We were just finishing breakfast in the parking lot. Moby’s double doors were swung wide to let in the Northern California sunshine. Kenny, disgruntled by a poor choice of a dill-heavy egg salad sandwich, had gone outside to throw it over the ledge of a deep green dumpster. Seconds later, a large band of hippies drove up in a brown Scoobie-Doobie Mystery Mobile. What seemed like 30 (but was probably only 5) dreadheads rolled out of the vehicle wearing layers of loose hemp and macramé beaded necklaces. The biggest and burliest hoisted the rest over the ledge and they dove like vultures into the big mouthed belly of the putrid dumpster. Less than 30 seconds later, all divers poked their dreaded heads back above the trashy lip of the container.

As they clamored out of the pit, wouldn’t ya know it, one of those dirty hippies had the remainder of Kenny’s saran-wrapped egg salad sandwich! We watched them dash back to their mystery wagon, close the door and peel out of the parking lot as we stared, open-mouthed, in disbelief. Before that moment all five of us were sure dumpster diving was a thing of urban legend. As we wrapped up our own meal, we laughingly imagined the divers, between tokes, divvying up Kenneth’s tinny scrappy doo sandwich, singing “Sugar Magnolia” on their way to their next dumpster dinner.

The show last night was utterly fantastic. Lincoln, the promoter, called before we got there and asked if we wanted him to book some natural hot spring tubs for us after we finished sound check. That’s an example of the brand of hospitality on offer at Café Tomo. At the venue, the staff fed us fresh sushi and poured us strong drinks on the house. Café Tomo put us up in a grand hotel, The Hotel Arcata, on the town square. It had fancy marble floors, bathrooms with claw foot bathtubs, and dark sturdy, wooden furniture. The hotel manager left us a handwritten note next to a bowl of fancy fruit and the rest of the staff offered us hearts on their sleeves. We felt so welcome.

Each of us took turns scrubbing the road off our tired legs and arms in the luxurious bathroom. The rest of us watched a Lynyrd Skynyrd VH-1 Special on an enormous TV in the air-conditioned room.

Café Tomo was packed when we arrived for our show. The woman opening for us was an acoustic act who enjoyed teaching the audience the chorus to her songs in hopes they’d sing along. She sang about butterflies and gypsies and saving the trees. I felt right at home the whole night.

People were dying to dance. They swirled and twirled doing the dances we refer to as: “The Chicken” distinguished by flailing bent arms moving in and then away from one’s sides, and “The Making Boxes,” come on, you know it…you’ve done it too….It’s the dance where you make little boxes in the air with your hands in front of you and then you push them away behind you. If you’ve ever gone to a Dead Show you know what we’re talking about.

Our music was fueled by the audience’s dancing and loving smiles and the end of the night came too soon.

Now we’re packing up our picnic and headed out of the forest on our way to Oregon. But before I leave the redwoods behind, I would be remis if I didn’t say one last thing. If you, dear reader, ever find yourself in a lonely or disconnected state, I strongly recommend a trip to The Redwood Forests in Northern California. After forest bathing in this ancient grove, I can’t shake the feeling of being part of something much larger than myself. Standing under those ancient trees, imagining the countless generations that have come and gone, is a humbling reminder of our place in this world. It’s a connection that reaches back through time and forward into the future, linking us all in the shared experience of life. So, as you go about your day today, I ask that you take a moment to think about your ancestors who’ve walked this path before you and the descendants who will follow.

We’re all part of this continuous story, and it’s one worth honoring, respecting and reflecting on every now and again. Safe travels, and may your journey today, and every day, be filled with wonder and connection.

San Francisco, CA – “Day Drinking” – Day Off – July 6, 1999

The first of autumn’s coolness lingered in the trees. Morning—or what we called noon—arrived, spreading a layer of sunlight over my bedding. I woke up on the floor in a soup of mismatched sheets. I was dehydrated and sweating despite the refreshing breeze and the open window. I lay sprawled on a wall-to-wall beige carpet trying to remember where the hell I was.

This is a common hazard of life on the road. Honestly, most days when I wake up in a new place I don’t even bother finding out where we are as long as someone knows where and when sound check is. But when I wake up on something as novel as a floor in somebody’s home office, it’s disconcerting enough to warrant retracing the events of the night before for clues as to why I’m both A. alone and B. not in a hotel room.

Hummmmmmmm….. Where was I…..Where….Was…..

Ah yes! I remembered, proud of my relatively quick recall, I was in Mrs. Judy Delucchi’s second-floor office in Chris’s parent’s house near San Francisco. The Delucchis were graciously hosting us for our three-day break in the Bay Area. I adore the Delluchis! What strikes me most about their loveliness is just how quintessentially family-oriented they are. Judy and Bob are married with wonderful, stable children who seem adept at managing their lives. Most impressively, they genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Being surrounded by them over the holiday weekend was going to be amazing.

I splashed water on my face, stretched my very tight hamstrings, and went for a quick jog around the cul de sacs of their quaint Suberb. When I returned, the rest of the band was up. Chris D. was chopping fresh fruit, Kenny was cooking French toast, and Heather was upstairs packing after her and Kenny’s makeshift honeymoon (spent in a van with a band)—not exactly the most romantic getaway, Kenny! Meanwhile, Brian was by the pool, talking on his cell phone and attempting to clear leaves. Poor Brian! Every leaf he scooped out with that long, praying mantis-like strainer seemed to blow right back into the water. Bob (Delluchi Sr.) was at the BBQ, cracking one joke after another to Soucy who wasn’t 1/2 way through his laugh before Bob qued up another.

Over breakfast, Chris D. mentioned that a rep from the historic Anchor Steam Brewery had attended our show in Sonoma and invited us to tour the brewery when we came through San Fran.
“Should I accept?” Delluchi asked. Of course! That was a no-brainer. We love Anchor Steam beer plus we had a day off with nothing to do.
“Tonight?” I asked, digging into Kenny’s French toast.
“Well, Tom actually suggested we come over now. Anyone up for some day drinking?” Five hands shot up.

Upon arrival, the entrance smelled like hot cereal. Another tour was already in progress, so Tom and Dan whisked around the back and gave us the exclusive, behind-the-scenes experience. Our first stop was downstairs at the bottling area which brought to mind images of the Lavern and Shirley Show opening credits and I started humming the theme song.

Tom and Dan caught some beers off the conveyor belt on their way to be labeled and handed them to us, fresh and uncapped: “This is as fresh as they come, boys and girls,” he said.

And so began our Willy Wonka tour for adults. We got a VIP backstage pass to Anchor Steam Brewery and learned from the top brass about the history, art, and science of making the best beer San Francisco has to offer. At the end, there were T-shirts, hats, pins, cards, CDs, and, of course, beer—plenty of beer.

By 4:30, we stumbled out of our tour and into Haight-Ashbury, hoping to shop off some of our afternoon buzz before attempting the drive home. I bought an oversized vintage “Skalar” leather jacket at Aardvarks, a second-hand store, and we wandered through the Japanese gardens and parks imagining what this place must have been like during its free-loving, 60’s hippy heyday.

As we drove back to Chez Delluchi, we reflected on how lucky we are to have opportunities like this as musicians. Thanks, Dan and Tom for a stellar day. From here on out Anchor Steam Beer will be on all our riders.

Santa Barbara, CA – “Triple Header” -The Coach House – July 2, 1999

The Coach House is a large venue featuring layered platforms scattered with maple-yellow tables and chairs, perfect for enjoying live music. The dressing room had dark brown walls and a bizarre mix of furniture that seemed like leftovers from the owner’s last garage sale. Futons, broken floor lamps, and a haunted dollhouse were strewn about, making it feel more like a storage room than a green room. I did my vocal exercises and examined the equally odd furniture inside the haunted dollhouse—a miniature pan with a fried egg sticker, a leafless potted plant, a tiny spinning wheel and a Hotwheels car.

We were one of three bands playing that night, and a chef prepared a meal for all of us as a group. I ate rice and veggies, occasionally slipping in my goofy false teeth between bites to freak everyone out and break the ice with the other bands.

Brian and I took advantage of the last bit of daylight by going rollerblading. As we skated along the shoreline, people exhaled the end of their beach day, shaking sand out of their towels and picking up sunburnt babies from under candy-colored umbrellas. Seagulls surfed the wind while pelicans swooped in the shallows for dinner.

Back in the dressing room, the bands mingled, snatching and opening cold bottled Dos Equis for one another from a frosted, weeping, metal tub. We were so preoccupied, the second band was already 1/2 way through their act when we noticed we were up soon.

The problem with a multi-band bill is you feel like part of a circus.

  • Its hard to know which part of the audience is there for you and which is there for “Interbreader” or “StormRider” or whatever bands you’ve been mismatched with and sandwiched inbetween.
  • Your gear mixes with their gear and you wind up leaving with three extra guitar cables (two that don’t work) and one less mic than you came with.
  • Finally, there’s the end of the night with its inevitable squabble over which band deserves more of “the door” or “the bar” (most promoters will guarantee a band a certain amount $100-$1,000 for a gig and then offer a percentage of the door (the cover charge) or the bar (booze sold). This way, a band is more likely to promote the show and bring in a crowd for the venue). We always walk away from a triple header with the fuzzy end of the lollypop.

By the time we got on stage, the audience looked burnt out and tired of listening to music. I stood before them like a stewardess, trying to sonically tuck my musical pasengers into places I thought they’d feel more comfortable. Children sat diligently upright while parents slouched with crossed arms, daring me to keep their children awake. I wondered if the bands preceding felt their sets were as long as ours.

I raced through intros, invited people to sing along and even abbreviated our set list but still felt I was burdoning the audience and keeping them from their beds. Leaving The Coach House I felt beaten as though I’d been in a race and and not even crossed the finish line.

The cool night air outside brought some relief, and on the 20-mile drive to the hotel, I drifted into a light sleep accompanied by multiple neck pillows and a scratchy army blanket. We arrived on the rounded edges of the morning. As we gathered our suitcases and silently rolled them through the parking lot, the morning light cupped the edges of a starry sky. We fell on top of beds without undressing and leaped into dreams with relief and gratitude.

Los Angeles, CA – “LaLaLand” – The Santa Monica Pier & Luna Park – July 1, 1999

A cold ocean breeze slapped at our exposed skin. It snuck up to tickle our armpits and poke us through holes in our sweaters. We clasped our hands around our chests and shivered into it like musical warriors. The Santa Monica Pier pointed out to sea like a skeleton’s hand and I wondered how July ever consented to such a cold opening day.

Heather, Kenny’s wife, hovered nervously at the entrance of the pier. She’d come to LA to celebrate a long-overdue honeymoon, four years after tying the knot. Heather, terrified of the ocean and unaware that our gig was set on a pier, paced back and forth near the parking lot in a beige hoodie and blue jeans until Kenny slipped her a little something to calm her nerves. Then she began to move slowly, like a tentative fawn, with us towards the inky waters.

Rising defiantly amidst the flashing lights and carnival tunes of the amusement park, the plywood stage stood like a rebellious middle finger in a sea of frivolity. Our set was over before we could blink – a five-song opening gig for a headliner we’d never heard of. Three thousand people were packed onto the pier for the show, all looking up at us from beach towels and blankets splayed on the hard splinter-heavy dock.

Despite the cold, packed, pier, I could easily pick out familiar faces of my friends. Kevin Nealon, the actor and comedian, had graciously agreed to be our LA roadie and stood tall and handsome off stage left making us laugh with his poor miming skills. I was grateful for the distraction. I felt like a fish out of water in this carnival environment.

We barely had a moment to catch our breath after our set before racing through the neon-lit streets toward Hollywood for our second gig at Luna Park. Madonna was hosting a private wrap party for her latest movie in the upper section of the club. As we pushed our gear through the crammed parking lot, we watched clusters of girls in towering hair and body glitter, accompany shirtless boys in chaps and oiled chests. They strutted to an internal soundtrack clearly playing Madonna on repeat.

Photo by Peter Thomas on Unsplash

Compared to the alienating scene at The Santa Monica Pier, Luna Park felt as intimate as my own living room. The show was as effortless and comfortable as wearing pajamas–even with famous faces like James Gandolfini and Dawn Wells in attendance. We took requests and shared plenty of laughs, often disclaiming, “We’ve never played this song before….”

At midnight, Madonna invited us to her soiree upstairs. Someone puked on Moby and we had to load her up carefully so as to avoid getting the “accident” on us. As the July moon bloomed over the parking lot I admitted to myself and to my band that I was too tired to party–The electricity of LA really takes it out of me—and so I left the boys to whoop it up on Madonna’s tab and drove back to the hometel on my own.

I’m glad to be headed up the coast tomorrow.

A Day Off ….

I thought I’d give you a day off to prepare for “The Road Warrior” West Coast Tour that starts next week!!!! In the meantime, here’s the roster and the entire Tomboy Bride Album to bone up on. You never know when we might call you up on stage to take a solo and we don’t want you to be unprepared. Rest up. Drink plenty of water and buckle up. It’s gonna be a wild ride.


Boulder, CO – “HOME” – June 17, 1999

We finally made it through Kansas.

I’m sure I speak for all 1-70 cross-country drivers when I propose Kansas divide herself up into two halves, east, and west, just so she doesn’t seem so damn long to drive across. Alternatively, she could grow some small hills so that an innocent driver doesn’t have to see all 600 naked miles of her at the same time.

Kenny snored, the radio crackled between stations, I took the pre-dawn shift and burnt through Missouri at 85 MPH. I like the road first thing in the morning—no squinting, no traffic, just the sun rising in the rearview mirror and a cocoa coffee in my lap.

It wasn’t hard getting to Boulder ahead of schedule. In fact, what we’d approximated to be a 13-hour drive minimum, turned out to be more like 11.5 and the sun was just melting over the flat irons when we topped what we’ve come to call Boulder Turnpike’s “Home Base Hill.” It’s a crest over which the town of Boulder spreads itself like a smooth layer of peanut butter under the razor-sharp knife of the Flatirons. Driving over it feels like diving into a warm pool of sweet familiar memories. “Home Base Hill“ signifies the end of a tour and boy, was it a sight for sore eyes.

But the longest drive of a tour isn’t the overnight one from Baltimore to Pitsburg or even the flat endless one through naked, windy Kansas. The longest drive of a tour takes place once you’re already back in town but need to drop each player off before getting to your own doorstep.

First off the road is always Kenny who lives in Broomfield, a Boulder suburb. We unload his bass amp, hug his wife and daughter hello, and hurridly bid Kenny goodbye. Leaving him feels as unnatural as saying farewell to my left arm and yet, the pull of my bed is so strong I rush the act and hop back into the van, tighten the reins, and spur our white steed on. Next off the road is Brian with his drum kit which suddenly feels unreasonably large and has way too many pieces.

Brian likes a long goodbye with logistics about rehearsals and next gigs which could have been discussed at any time during the last 24 hours!!!!

Finally, we drop Soucy off at his house. He almost forgets his guitar he’s running so fast to his front door. The anticipation increases with every goodbye at every home that’s not yours until the van is suddenly wayyyyyy too empty, and it’s just you and Delucchi in a deafeningly quiet white whale of a van called “Moby.” I’m the 4th to be dropped off and boy, isn’t it nice to be home again…. Then again, the road is a nice home too.

St. Louis, MO – “Soundtrack To The Best Time of My Life” -The Firehouse – June 16, 1999

$6 Bucks
Go Carts
Mini Golf
And cheap wine discreetly sipped from straws in jumbo White Castle plastic cups.

It was cold when we arrived in Missouri and windy. The mini golf range was our scenic view from the middle of the nowhere motel. After checking in, we opened a bottle of wine and settled into a room swathed in overtly floral patterns. Chris Delucchi, visibly enchanted by the mini-golf course, started pointing out some of its quirkier features—“Look at those rainbow flaming lights!” he exclaimed with admiration. “Those water fountains gotta be dyed blue.” “Are those plaster dinosaurs?” Soucy asked, moving closer to the window. Kenny joined in, “That’s the greenest astroturf I think I’ve ever seen.”

Perhaps it’s an indication of how low our standards of a good time have fallen but suddenly we were chomping at the bit to play a round. We poured our freshly decanted wine into super-sized cups left over from lunch and headed across the parking lot, ready for a late-night adventure.

I was delighted by how seriously Brian McRae took his game. He positioned his feet with precision at the top of every hole, claiming the direction of the swing was “all in the feet.” He’d hit his lime green ball and stroll to it like it were a hot girl he was pretending not to notice at the bar. He’d monitor the wind, line up his next shot, and then fold his arms and wait patiently as the rest of us laughed hysterically, hitting our balls haphazardly into bushes and fountains. We were the last group to finish before closing time, and I think the mini-golf employees were glad to see the back of us.

The day was hangover gray when the phone rang the next morning. A bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers in a makeshift water bottle vase nearly blinded me. They tottered threateningly close to falling onto a sleeping Delucchi in the next bed over. It was Brian in the next room, calling to see if I’d go rollerblading with him. He remembered something before he hung up and called so loudly into the receiver I could hear him from the other room: “Sal—my friend asked if we wanted to open for Lynard Skynard this weekend? It would mean hanging out in Missouri for an extra few days but I think it pays well…(hehe)” he laughed nervously. Brian does that. He laughs nervously when he’s unsure of how someone will react to what he’s saying. I imagined the four of us up on a tall outdoor stage at high noon playing to Lynard Skynard’s brawdy crowd (in Missouri no less) and the whole southern, beer-drinking, “Sweet Home Alabama,” sunburn-ness of it gave me heartburn. “So…(hehe)… What’da’ya think?” Asked Bri. “Let’s think about it.” I said, “I mean, I don’t wanna let you down but I’m not sure Lynard Skynard’s our market.” Brian paused, perhaps imagining the same heartburn-inducing visual and replied “On second thought, that’s a terrible idea… (hehe).”

Wheels on, I rolled into the hallway and skated down the red-carpeted isle to the elevator. I hit complimentary breakfast in the lobby, thinking I’d just grab an untoasted bagel and an orange when I discovered it—My new favorite thing. It sat unassumingly on the indelible, beige, mica, linoleum countertop—An automatic mochaccino machine!!!!! All you can drink, all-day, all you have to do is press your desired cup size, your preferred strength of coffee, slide a paper cup under its lip and hit “start!” Over the course of the day, I took advantage at least 50 cups of complementary mochaccinos. Brilliant invention! What will they think of next?!?!?!

Our blade was desolate. We kept mostly to the flatness of “paved paradises” (parking lots) and side streets. The area of Missouri we were stationed in felt soulless, as though even the breeze was afraid to breathe there. We trekked into St. Louis for lunch and ended up at the top of the St. Louis arch. Even though it was pretty cool up there, we all agreed it wasn’t worth the hour-long line.

The Firehouse is an old fire station. Its rugged brown brick walls are beautiful and strong but unfortunately, they make for an echo chamber of a venue if the show’s not packed to soak up the sound. Our show was NOT packed. Apologetically, The Firehouse’s owners, Christian and his wife Kaylene, let us know we were competing with Dave Matthews Band and Chuck Berry on a Wednesday night, no less, and a home team baseball game was just down the street.

The green room was hot and downstairs. I hung my dress on one of the pipes off the low ceiling and sat in a deep yellow chair. My dress rocked on it’s hanger. I Watched some fruit flies case a freckled bunch of bananas in a silver bowl and sipped camomile tea an anonymous employee had brewed and left for me. And in that moment I thought to myself…

This is truly the best time of my life.

On our way home now, speeding along as eagerly as horses heading back to their stable, Kansas stretches out before us—a long, flat, windy place. Over these 9000 miles, we’ve listened to so much good music. If we were to make a compilation tape of this tour, it would definitely include:

  1. John Hyatt – “Come On Baby Drive South”
  2. Black Crows – “Remedy”
  3. Liv Taylor – “Olympic Guitar”
  4. Lucinda Williams – “Car Wheels on A Gravel Road”
  5. Meshell Ndegeocello – “If That’s Your Boyfriend, He Wasn’t Last Night”
  6. Eric Erdman with The Ugly Stick – “Nine Planets”
  7. The Brooklyn Funk Essentials – “Creator Has a Greater Plan”
  8. G-Love and The Special Sauce – “My Baby’s Got Sauce”
  9. Staple Singers – “Love Comes in All Colors”
  10. Donny Hathaway – “Jealous Guy”
  11. The Brand New Heavies – “Make Sauce”
  12. Cymande – “Brothers On The Slide”
  13. Iris May Tango – “Hairdomagic”
  14. Ben Folds Five – “Magic”
  15. Looking Glass – “Brandy”

STB would like to thank the following for making our “Flying V Tour” of the East Coast so damn great:

Big Hand Todd, Dan Beach, The underage dancing girls from Minnesota at The Port O Call, Gary Jones, Kipp, Charles at Harbor Docks for all that phat food, “Big Time” and “Re-run,” Of course: Eric the “Bird Man,” Melba and Mary from the Waffle House, “mom” from Madison, “Hot Po” Tader, I.Q, Peggy, David Starr from Arkansas, “Missy”: Chris’s Mystery girl from Shuba’s, Kim Kelly in Tuscaloosa, Alex Taylor for housing us in Northampton, “Smithy,” Livingston and Maggie Taylor for all of their unbelievable support and loving advice, “The Bubble Man” who ever you are, Ian Selig and Val for up all night in Tribeca, Nimi, Heidi, Cat, and Mikol, Dr. Len and Diane at the Raptor Trust, The kids at the Walden School and Marji and her family (thanks for the chocolates, flowers and “gingew beeww”), Jeffery, Sean Pocock and Mary Jane Rumley, “The Gloms” who probably don’t know who they are, Brint and Liz Anderson… Yummmm food, music, and “one boot playin’ on the porch board,” DJ Image (The parking lot attendant in NOLA), The Porch Board people at Enroute Music, Howard @ Blue Note for the J-45, Jason for the beautiful flowers, Josh for the Safe House, Kate Faccia (thanks for leaving me in Boulder alone!!!!!), “Disco” for supplying Kenny with the cup….(next time bring two), The Paramount for supplying us with our mascot “The un-kind Bud”, Shuckers, All those people who “looked like a chicken to me!”, Those of you who stuck us with the fat ass tab at Walker’s in NYC, Reid’s Ginger Beer, “Key’s to the Trailer,” Laura back in Boulder for everything, Those of you who gave us hours of listening with your CD’s, Ariel, P.I.M, Those cool phone interviewers, Thai Joe, Beccini contestants #5 & #7 From the Windjammer, Gene O’Brian, “Pelican, Pelican, Pelican”, Amityville, all of our parents for their support, Mel, Heidi Wild and Brandon, Nisa, Dave our tow truck driver, Michael White and Mary, and thank you to I-70 headed us West as we speak.

Swarthmore, PA – “Teach Your Children Well” -The Walden School – June 14, 1999

The rain drums on the windshield in heavy metal bullets. It drowns out the music on the sterio. Beyond the window is a blur of blue-green foliage and a ribbon of grey road, which bends like a snake to swallow our van whole. The drive is like being inside a 3D Monet painting.

Flowers in plastic bottles are braced in cupholders and wired to the back of the instrument cage. They jostle and spill around the corners. I love flowers but rarely buy them or cut them for myself. I see killing them for my pleasure as somewhat unjust but I’m grateful to tend to them whenever they come into my company.

Our current floral haul came on board this morning, gifts from the students from The Walden School who showed their appreciation with bouquets bigger than my head. I have a “No flower left behind” policy. I can hear the boys in the band groan whenever flowers are presented to me, be it a handful of freshly picked wildflowers or a dozen long-stemmed roses, they know it’s a full band commitment. These flowers need to be carried from the backstage to the van and from the van to the hotel room. They’ll need to be pruned and have their water changed daily. Hosting them in the van will mean someone gets wet, gets bitten by a thorn, gets a pollin tatoo on their stage cloths or has a sneezing fit. But these are all part of the sacrifices my band makes for me and my commitment to flowers.

What a joy it was playing for the kids at Walden. The day started off late, with Chris S. tugging at my toe to wake me up. It was already 10:30 AM.

Sharing a room the night before, Soucy and I laughed at our reflections side by side, brushing our teeth in front of the mirror in the bathroom like an old married couple. With a mouth full of fluoride, I asked him if he’d be willing to join me at the Walden School the next day. “I love kids,” I confessed, rinsing my mouth out, “but I don’t quite know how to relate to them. And since you were a 5th-grade teacher before becoming my guitar player –” Chris suddenly became very serious, taking charge of the situation as though performing for 6- to 14-year-olds required the skill of twenty bomb disarmers.

“We’ll need to practice,” he declared, abandoning his frothy toothbrush on the sink to retrieve our guitars from the van. Unsheithing the guitars he spoke to me a mile a minute. “We should play ‘Happy Now’ and teach the kids how to sing the different parts. And ‘Song For Kim’—just make sure you watch the ‘f’ word. We shouldn’t play ‘Red Room,’ it’s too suggestive.”
“But Chris, it only says, ‘I kissed a boy…’
“Well, maybe it’ll be OK. But avoid the bit about going to songwriter’s jail; they’ll think you’re serious. Sarcasm and kids don’t mix. Also, we should stick to songs from the CD. Marji said they’ve been listening to it a lot. We should do ‘Sign of Rain’ and you should teach the kids how you write about images. Maybe we should include a song like ‘The Cat Came Back the Very Next Day,’” he suggested, strumming the tune on his guitar. “NO!” I said firmly. “They hired us to do our show, and that’s what we’re going to do.” I began to wonder if inviting Chris was such a good idea. But once I relinquished control and let him take the reins, everything went smoother. It was clear this meant a lot to him.

Katie, Sally, Marji, Katie’s friend

Marji, the teacher who’d arranged our performance, wanted us at school by noon and mapped our route from the hotel meticulously accounting for traffic lights and even the weather. Her family—Larry, Katie, and Ryan—treated us like royalty when we arrived, surrounding us with chocolates, Reid’s Ginger Beer (my fave), and a student-crafted welcome banner. Katie and her friend even made me a star and ribbon crown to wear on stage. In a classroom turned greenroom just for us, we gathered on folding chairs around a blue plastic tablecloth, delightedly drinking no-name cola and gorging ourselves on homemade sandwiches from a pickle-juice-soaked platter.

Kenny, Bri, Soucy & Delucchi backstage at The Walden School

The children gathered in the assembly hall at 12:30, their eyes peering up at me from a sea of blue, orange, pink, and green tie-dyed shirts. As Soucy choreographed, I sang and then answered students’ questions. After the second song, Chris leaned over his mic and, wide-eyed, asked, “Wanna talk about songwriting now?”

The students made me think in ways adults rarely do. When I talk to adults about songwriting, I speak to what they already know. But with kids, I had to start from scratch and use a vocabulary they would understand. I told them, “Songs are pictures born from emotions.” I told them “You can draw a picture of a song just as easily as you can write a song from a picture.” To show them how, I asked the kids to close their eyes and see what images came to mind during the next song. Chris and I played “Sign Of Rain,” and then called on raised hands asking them what the song had brought to mind.

“Christmas,” one girl said. “Summer,” said another. “A van driving through leaves,” “rain,” they all wanted to chime in. I told them they were all right because there is no misinterpreting the meaning of a song. “That’s the beauty of art,” I said. “It’s allowed to look, sound, feel, and smell different to everyone.” We did the same exercise with “Waiting On an Angel,” and the children’s vivid imaginations blew me away: “I see an angel holding her child,” “I see an angel riding a horse through the sky,” “I see angels at Christmas time.” And then one girl pointed at me and said, “You.” That nearly melted me into a puddle on the floor.

It was a fabulous gig; my favorite of the tour. After we played, we signed CDs and I found myself in a hurricane of tie-dyed children who wanted Sally Taylor stickers and for me to sign their tie-dyed backs and yearbooks. I tell you, I love those kids at Walden. In challenging me to teach them about songwriting, they ended up educating me about the spirit of muse. I clearly have much more to learn from children.